Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: flowerbeds in bloom

Monday, September 22, 2008

flowerbeds in bloom

Just a few more recent pictures of our front garden. The short yellow and red flower, beside the solar light in first picture has a pretty little yellow butterfly feeding on a flower near the center of the plant. We have seen these little yellow guys gathering for migration. Prime viewing was a few weeks ago when we noticed gatherings in groups of 10 - likely 30 or more along the roads near the lake, especially beside bean fields.

The other pictures here show off our coveted, Spoon Daisies. First is the white one alongside our special rose bush and then other picture show the purple Spoon Daisy, which is a bit past prime for the blooms shown. All of these pictures were taken this morning in very bright sunlight and seeing them, I am now thinking that less than direct sun would have shown the true colors better. Oh well, you get the idea anyway.


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