Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Bill and Diane's Pond

Monday, September 22, 2008

Bill and Diane's Pond

Bill and Diane have been busy this summer improving their yard and garden for all to enjoy. These are 2 views of their handiwork in creating a fish pond beside our fence. The gate you see beside the pond leads to our backyard. They had a small pond last summer and enjoyed it so much that this year they got the larger one you see at bottom and used the original small one above it to create waterfall for their fish to play in. They began the summer with a few waterlilies and the three fish from last year, but often when they were out the number of lilies grew in the pond. It took some detective work but finally they discovered it was Ed, another neighbour who also has a large pond, who was dropping in extra plants for them. Diane did have more decorations out and about in the yard but this summer has been a bad season for kids stealing things from their yard so they have become leery of putting out more. Still, we think things look beautiful and there are many people around who appreciate the hard work they do in beautifying their piece of the neighbourhood.CLICK ON ANY PICTURE TO ENLARGE FOR BETTER VIEW


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