Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Cedar Waxwing Invasion

Monday, September 29, 2008

Cedar Waxwing Invasion

We seem to have been taken over by groups of Cedar Waxwings today. They may be gathering to migrate but we observed a parent feeding two large young ones in Ruth's apple tree at the back of the yard. Top two pictures here are the young ones and the third picture is an adult. This morning we went out for Monday morning walk with nature club. En route to our hike destination Deb noticed this strange bird sitting on wire. We backed up and observed it for quite some time as he moved from pole to pole, all the while we were also checking our bird book for identification. We finally decided it is most likely a Burrowing Owl. Lastly, a nice surprise to come upon was this large field of pretty yellow sunflowers on the north side of the road so all their faces were looking right at the camera.
click on any picture to enlarge


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