Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: August 2008

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Another semester finished

My final grades are in for the two courses I took this summer. In Business Math, I got 94% or A+ and in Macroeconomics, I got 75% or B+...not bad considering we took time out for short vacation and I skipped a few classes in math. New semester begins in a couple of weeks and I am registered for 4 courses, two are online and other two are combination of online and in class. Unfortunately they are both Tuesday night so I'm hoping the teachers either choose different weeks or give us the choice of attending or not...somehow I'm sure I can work things out with both. It doesn't seem like the business continuing education department puts much thought into their scheduling of classes since there was a third course I need also Tuesday night and I was afraid to attempt to balance three courses all in same time slot.
Chris begins school next week. I have already been in to see guidance for him and we rearranged his first semester courses. He now will have his "special" school developed programming for math and English in morning and in afternoon he will take "regular" classes in Healthy lifestyle for men...fancy way of saying health and phys ed...and as his second class we managed to get him into grade 11 welding. He is thrilled with that!!! During this semester I hope to convince the school that he now requires a teaching assistant for "regular" classes because his second semester he has Civics, Geography and History. OMG!!!! He will have to have someone with him telling him to pay attention to the teacher and reminding him to take the notes and to study and helping with writing reports or tests. I hate to think of all the problems Chris would be unable to manage without a constant helping hand. At least we have a few months to get this into place before he runs into real school work. Although I do agree with the new principal that it isn't fair for the kids like Chris to be given diplomas equal to kids in mainstream classes, I just don't see how Chris is supposed to be able to accomplish "normal" classes when his education thus far has been anything but normal. The lesson he seems to have learned best is "how to avoid work" and unfortunately, thus far in high school, that has been by wandering around bothering others.

Monday, August 25, 2008

More Hummer activity

The little hummingbirds have been on a feeding frenzy lately. It is awesome to watch them struggle for control of the feeders on our window. We even stand outside and they buzz right past us without any concern for us being there. Of course sometimes they buzz too close for comfort but that is just part of why they are so interesting to have here. Deb has managed to catch these recent shots while watching from just outside our door or from inside the window. The last two pictures are of a Hummingbird moth. They seem to be attracted by these flowers in Ruth's backyard and we often see them at this time of year while sitting in our backyard since this flower is close to our bench.CLICK ON ANY PICTURE TO ENLARGE.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

new floor in kitchen

Some of our new floor is visible here as Deb cleans up my mess for the thousandth time that day. Deb and I are installing it ourselves. I am sick of paying others to do such simple jobs, especially when I consider how many much more difficult household repairs I used to be able to do. Key words there are "used to". I can't believe how difficult it is to do anything!!!! This job should have taken a day and we are now on our third day. The floor is finally laid (we purchased the flooring materials at a Labour day sale last year) but trim still has to be finished off and furniture moved back in. I also hope to get trim done in hallway(it has been waiting quite some time as well). Today is a rest day for me. Deb is still plugging away at the trim but I just can't handle the bending today and since kneeling and squatting are never an option for me now, it means I take the day off. I'm sure it will look nice when we finally get it all together and then I will post a better picture of the room.

Hummingbirds getting ready to leave us

We have had a massive feeding frenzy in our neighbourhood this past week. We are pretty sure it means our little hummingbirds are getting ready for their big flight south. Meanwhile it is fun to watch them fight for control of the feeders. They often sit on the wires leading into our house or hide in Bill and Diane's front tree(they have window feeders too). When another hummingbird approaches the attack is on. Deb has heard them fighting before daybreak and it keeps up most days until dusk. Deb stood outside to get these pictures without the dirt on the window in her way. :-) First pic is little boy hovering above the feeder and the second is another boy straining his neck high enough to watch Deb over top of the other feeder. They seem to know when the glass is between them and us because from inside they are not bothered if we stand quietly beside the window they will still come and feed yet in this outside shot she was about 10 feet from him and made him nervous.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


This is a better picture of the Hydrangea which managed to survive the winter and is finally blooming again. I think the varied colors of the blooms looks really cool. The pinker one is the most recent bloom.

Hummingbirds at the window

Here is our view of the little hummingbirds feeding at our living room window feeders. It is fun to watch them as they fight over ownership of the feeders. Occasionally they co operate for a few minutes and allow another to feed at the second feeder while the first continues to eat. We once even saw two females at separate stations of the same feeder. Looking at the pictures(especially close up) I see how badly I need to clean the glass...all those little drips from every time I refill the feeders sure show up with digital.
