Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: End of term in sight!!!

Monday, November 26, 2007

End of term in sight!!!

I have two weeks before final exam for my marketing course and then two weeks after that is final for accounting. Very nicely spaced to allow for intensive study prior to tests. The new course guide is now online so I have chosen 4 courses for next term...all online. I sent the info to my case worker who then has to make up letter of sponsorship and fax it off to college before I can go and register in person. Quite the hastle but it seems to be the only way they are willing to do things. I'm hoping this all happens BEFORE the weather and roads get bad AND BEFORE the classes online become filled. I had heard in another class that online classes tend to fill quickly for this winter session(I guess all us out of towners hate the winter drive to the city).

On a brighter note....Deb and I got to watch some bluebirds at play while out with our nature hikers this morning. One of the ladies informed us that the bluebirds often crowd into a nesting box during winter cold spells likely to keep one another warm. Very cool to see such pretty birds at such close range. Toward the end of the walk we had a great chance to observe a pair of Cardinals sitting in a nearby tree...quite unconcerned about us watching them. Today's hike was in a provincial park close to home where we frequently walk with Dusty. Having this great bunch of local knowledge strolling with us allowed us to learn lots of the local history of the area as well as alot of who owns what in the area. That picture up top is an Eastern Bluebird. The colors in the picture are not nearly as bold as the males we watched today.


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