Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: September is here!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

September is here!

Well this is our last weekend of summer and what a beauty it is! We went on a local history/poker run yesterday as Alborough is celebrating it's 100 anniversary of becoming a town. All of us enjoyed the drive and even more the historical facts given along the way. Deb's luck held out, as always, and we won with poker hand of 4 jacks. Our prize was a hardcover book, "Alborough, A township with a past". Very nice book filled with pictures and stories of our area going back to the days of Colonel Talbot and his land grants.
Tonight there is a big fireworks display planned for the park beside the arena. Chris wants to go alone...I guess parents are just not cool to hang out. I guess it will be safe enough as he is most likely to find an adult from his church and hang out with them and he will be told to return home immediately after show. Tommorrow we plan to end the summer with a day at Springwater conservation area. We enjoy their beautiful trails and Chris has the option of fishing instead of walking with us. The park also has washroom and picnic facilities which adds to our enjoyment of the day.
On Tuesday, Chris is back in class...starting grade 10. Scary part of that is this is the year he needs to pass that dreaded literacy test!!! If he fails, he is allowed to keep rewriting each year until he passes and completes that part of requirment for high school graduation certificate.
I will also be starting classes this week. WSIB has approved an education plan which was developed for me by march of Dimes. The plan is three and half years of training in "Business Adminstration" likely leading to CA or CGA. My understanding at this time is that the difference in those designations is that CGA requires a university degree(I already have that) and also passing a test at conclusion of education. There are actually a number of directions I could go after the first and second years of this education plan, but for now, I will be taking only three courses this term. One class is online, one is combination of class and online lessons and the third is a "steps for sucess" class which was listed as being combination class but I was told it is more likely to be mostly in class. That course is finished in October so I am not too concerned about where it takes place. Thoughts of winter driving and distance to Fanshawe were major considerations in chosing online courses. I do still plan to keep up with going to the Y for swim exercises a few times weekly. I am convinced that is what keeps me moving and walking . I did check out the Bob Hayward Y in London but it is not nearly as nice as St. Thomas so I may just keep my same routine and go to St. Thomas.


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