We have just returned from spending a few days with my mom. She is now two weeks post surgery with her right knee replacement. She is still having lots of pain with movement but is able to do more with each passing day. I took her to have her staples removed yesterday and she claims it feels better simply having those no longer pulling at her. This morning she did her exercises with no help and plans to continue staying alone now...although Shirl has convinced Dustin to go observe Gram doing at least one of her daily sets of exercises. I'm sure mom will keep up with them but it's nice to have someone around to help her if needed. While we were there, Don came down to have me help him rip out and replace the bedroom carpet for mom. I helped with carrying and cleaning things but he had to do all the "down on your knees" type work. Her old carpet had gotten very dirty looking over the years and the traffic patterns could not be cleaned. Together we managed to get the job done quickly and the bedroom back in order as well as cleaned. Mom is very happy with the carpet Don chose and it actually goes very well with the rest of the carpeting too. Deb got to try out our portable BBQ. We picked it up for $15 last year and never had a chance to use it. Works great!! We enjoyed BBQ steaks while mom had a BBQ`d chicken breast. Deb had set up in front of mom`s apartment and she managed to get things cooked without attracting a crowd of seniors looking for food although a few were spotted checking us out from their balconies. LOL. Chris had a great visit with the Masons. He stayed with them rather than hang out with us helping Gram....not much fun with us for sure. He and Dustin spent lots of time playing games and watching tv..Chris' favorite things to do. Uncle Bill also took them for ghost finding tour in Niagara on the Lake on Tuesday night. Lots of ghost stories but no sightings. Dustin loved it!!!! Chris claimed he didn't like it but he told us lots of the stories and legends they heard, so I think he really did enjoy himself.
Tommorrow Chris will have to gather his things for Camp Borden and get it all packed. He leaves 8:30 am on Saturday from London. That means an early start to our day Saturday so it will be an early bedtime tommorrow for us all. He missed a call from Richelle tonight....I told her that he really doesn't want to talk to her(she still upsets him too much with stupid and weird ideas of hers...like telling him he will have a father soon or brothers and sisters...these fantasies of hers all relate to whomever her current internet love affair is with). Anyway..at least he is safe from her nonsense for awhile. I didn't bother to ask what town she is living in now because she moves so often I can't keep track of her.