Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Chris at Borden

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Chris at Borden

We had a nice visit with Chris this weekend. We picked him up from base on Saturday and took him out to McD's for lunch. Then we checked into the Red Pine Motel for the night. Chris and I took full advantage of their salt water pool. I think I enjoyed it more than him because with the added buoyancy of the salt water....I could actually swim!!! Deb BBQ'd dinner for us all as special treat for Chris, we had brought the fixins for all his favourites. I had also picked some fresh blueberries which we enjoyed later with ice cream. After an early bedtime the plan was to get up early and hit the pool again but Chris was too tired to get up. LOL. We forced him out of bed around 9 so that we could make it to breakfast before they closed up. He enjoyed that too as it was serve yourself but lots of choices. We took Chris back to base around noon and took Deb and Dusty on a walk through Blackdown. Last year we were told that dogs were not allowed to enter camp but I had seen a dog yesterday and figured we would try it...nobody stopped us so I guesss they changed the rules since last year. We asked permisssion to take the above shot of Chris and a couple of roomies in their "hoochie". The second shot is the "parade square" with the canteen in background(domed building with kids sitting beside it) and the mess hall behind that(lower building with lots of windows).
As we left he was looking forward to tommorrow, when his company will be leaving pre-dawn for a weeklong canoe trip. They have already completed extended hiking and biking trips along with all their other training. The added activity shows on Chris' body already. Maybe this summer he will build that "six pack" he so badly wants to have!


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