Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: HOME AGAIN

Friday, July 13, 2007


Deb and I are back at home after touring Lake Huron shoreline communities. We stayed in Goderich last night. While there we checked out their old gaol...of course they wouldn't let us do the proper tour because Dusty was with us but just as well since the building has three stories and that's way more stairs than my knees can handle!!! we also checked out the salt mines and went down to the beachfront park(again no dogs allowed there). We did do some walking north of town on trails which led to a long foot bridge over the river with awesome views. While on the bridge we saw a pilated woodpecker but of course(just like last sighting) I didn't have the camera with me. At least Deb got a good look this time. Today we continued along the shore and ended up in Kincardine where we toured their butterfly garden and walked a portion of their trail system which went along the river and out to the harbour. We also drove around town checking out the beautiful old homes and buildings. We decided to come home early due to cool breezes and very overcast skies combined with forecast of rain tommorrow. We thought it would be nice to beat the rain home and enjoy the trip rather than drive through the rainy day tommorrow. Dusty is VERY happy to be home. I'm sure she will sleep much better tonight without the strange smells and noises.


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