Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: PEACEFUL BLISS

Monday, July 09, 2007


Life has become very peaceful here at home. Yep you guessed it....Chris has gone to Camp Borden for his 6 week course. We dropped off the boy with attitude early Saturday morning to catch the bus along with ALOT of other cadets. Among my parting words to him was my hope that he "find a new respect for others"....of course by that I meant I hope he losses his habit of yelling at me every time he doesn't get his own way. He hasn't called home yet but that is not surprising....last summer he called home only a couple of times and that was mostly to check on if or when we wetre coming to see calls require WAITING in line to use pay phone and Chris has no patience for waiting in lines...he much prefers to be where the action is or spending any cash he happens to have left. This year he left home with $25...thanks to Gram. I'm sure that will be spent quickly based on his past experiences. When we get the postcard with his camp address, I will send email out to family with that info. He really LOVED getting mail last year. It was one of his highlights of the summer!
Deb is still on vacation this week but between Dr. appointments and my physio, we don't have much time for travel anywhere. Good thing she enjoys spending time at home!! We do hope to go for daytrip on the weekend likely around Kinkardine area. Of course we will have to check out weather and such.....plans are always subject to change in this houshold....even when Chris is not here!


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