Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona

even the small chips appear to be petrified logs
We enjoyed a tour through Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona.  The northern section of the park has great views of the painted desert. Our photos don't do justice to the colors.  I guess it was a bad time of day or something.  Following the painted desert the road leads to the Blue Mesa then on through an area of petroglyphs (again poor lighting due to time of day) and then through a large area of petrified forest...Awesome!!!

painted desert

snow in painted desert
Blue Mesa

Blue Mesa closeup

Poor lighting but pics at bottom left and right

petroglyphs at newspaper rock
petrified log


petrified log

agate bridge (supported beneath for preservation)
petrified log

petrified logs

petrified logs everywhere

petrified logs

petrified log 


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