Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Wupaki National Monument

Friday, March 01, 2013

Wupaki National Monument

Too many pictures to put in one post. We loved checking out the ruins early this morning despite the very cold temps.
The lower ruins was a small structure with at least 8 rooms but some of the rooms were quite small about 4' by 8'

View of the small structure some rooms lead to others

Explanatory sign

walls of the small structure

view of the hilltop citadel from the lower structure

many small holes noticeable while climbing the hill

view of valley from the top.  Signage noted that 8 other structures are visible from this vantage point.

More signage 

another view from the citadel

same canyon as above

Possible ruins in the distance
That's our car center down on the road. View from citadel.

Another building along the road.


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