Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: May 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010


The first pictures are in our backyard, a blue jay feeding under the feeder and an Oriole trying to grab a snack while carrying some nest building materials....the string got stuck to the feeder and was left hanging there all night. The other bird in tall grass and on the wire is a Bobolink. Deb noticed these different birds while on a short drive the other day. We later tried to get a picture but they were quite camera shy. Today she lucked out and managed to get a bunch of pics but these two were the best. At least we now know what kind of bird she has been seeing out there. In flight the white on the wings is very noticeable and both flying or sitting the strange color on the head is very visible, yellow or beige.different from other birds. We are very happy to have solved the mystery of the new bird in town.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


A few pictures of the silly male. He seemed to think the hummingbird feeder had better tasting liquid in it despite the fact that it has no perch so he had to hang from the side and try to balance while sipping. The second picture shows him standing above the Oriole feeder looking over at the hummingbird feeder while trying to figure out exactly how he was going to manage eating there.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

they're back

Deb heard earlier this week that the Orioles were back in town but yesterday we had a little Hummingbird come up to the front window searching for our feeder. Of course, we immediately got all the feeders ready and put out. By afternoon we had both male and female hummingbirds in front and backyard and the Oriole also showed up out back. Amazing how fast they can locate the feeders. Once you have established that food is available they recall from year to year. We will post better pictures at a later date, I'm sure.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Squirrel nest?

For many years we have seen this nice round hole in this tree at Pearce Park. We always wondered who lived there and last week we finally saw these small squirrels wandering in and out of the tree. There are many other holes on the other side and these young ones seemed to be coming and going from various tree openings.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hillman Marsh

Yesterday we took a drive and ended up at Hillman Marsh where we went strolling while checking out the many different birds in various areas there. Some of the better pictures can be seen here. Top is a little yellow Palm Warbler. Next is some type of flycatcher, maybe an Eastern Phoebe. Below those are a couple of shots of the babysitter Canada geese. Large flocks gather on the marshes and a few adults watch over all the young while the other adults eat. We watched a large group of young being moved across the marsh to the area where some others were sleeping on a walkway. The final picture is of course a Red winged Blackbird, a very common sight in this area.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Christopher is 18 today

Today was Chris' 18th birthday. He is quite happy to "no longer be a kid". Actually, he is acting better lately at home, trying to be a little more respectful in his tone of voice and actions. We have been keeping up with his driving practice and I hope to have the 50 hours experience required of Driver's Ed logged by the end of next weekend. Chris now has appointment for his army physical and his personal interview. Both of those will be completed on the same date, May 18th. Hopefully at that time he will find out when he can expect to begin basic training. He also received a call telling him that he has been accepted for the position of camp counsellor at Camp Kee-mo-kee this summer. It could all work out perfectly if basic begins toward Fall, which is what Chris currently believes. We are also still awaiting word from the "auto body pre-apprenticeship" program at Fanshawe. He applied for that and did the required preadmission tests during March break. We were told he would be notified beginning of May, if he is a possible candidate, then an interview for that is the next step. Chris' first choice among all these options is Army, all the way and as soon as possible. From the time he applied, he had his mind made up that he was getting in and nothing else mattered. When report cards were issued a few weeks ago the power of internet and high school parent portal gave him a rude awakening. After much discussion between parents and his teachers, Chris was forced to complete MANY missing assignments, at home, under duress. He is now apparently back in the game at school and hopefully passing the classes once again. I still consider a high school diploma a necessary thing, even if the army doesn't require more than grade 10 for the job Chris has chosen.
