Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Bobolink

Friday, May 28, 2010


The first pictures are in our backyard, a blue jay feeding under the feeder and an Oriole trying to grab a snack while carrying some nest building materials....the string got stuck to the feeder and was left hanging there all night. The other bird in tall grass and on the wire is a Bobolink. Deb noticed these different birds while on a short drive the other day. We later tried to get a picture but they were quite camera shy. Today she lucked out and managed to get a bunch of pics but these two were the best. At least we now know what kind of bird she has been seeing out there. In flight the white on the wings is very noticeable and both flying or sitting the strange color on the head is very visible, yellow or beige.different from other birds. We are very happy to have solved the mystery of the new bird in town.


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