Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Hillman Marsh

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hillman Marsh

Yesterday we took a drive and ended up at Hillman Marsh where we went strolling while checking out the many different birds in various areas there. Some of the better pictures can be seen here. Top is a little yellow Palm Warbler. Next is some type of flycatcher, maybe an Eastern Phoebe. Below those are a couple of shots of the babysitter Canada geese. Large flocks gather on the marshes and a few adults watch over all the young while the other adults eat. We watched a large group of young being moved across the marsh to the area where some others were sleeping on a walkway. The final picture is of course a Red winged Blackbird, a very common sight in this area.


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