Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: SURGERY

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I just spoke with Shirl by phone. She says mom came through surgery fine. There was a bit of drama....someone LOST mom's teeth!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was telling Shirl and Terry that NO ONE would be allowed to come visit, etc. etc. but Shirl spoke to nurses and had them recheck in area of surgery and sure enough they found the missing choppers. When Shirl left for the night, mom was resting comfortably(right...enjoy tonight cause tommorrow the pain will set in!!!) but by the time she arrived at home, mom had called to say she was moved to another room. Who knows why??? Anyway, just thought I'd post for anyone concerned that so far mom is doing well. Tommorrow she is expected to be out of bed and trying to get the hang of working that new joint. She already has list of exercises from the therapist and a hospital walker is standing by ready for her. They don't want her to use her own yet as hers has wheels. That's about all I know at this point in time. I will post again after we visit this weekend.


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