Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Mom's at home

Monday, June 25, 2007

Mom's at home

Mom was thrilled to have been sent home from hospital early this morning. Don is on vacation this week so he was available and picked her up then spent the day watching over well as running errands like drug pick up. A few nurses at the hospital were quite NASTY to mom. One in particular made some rude comments about mom's weight which of course upset mom greatly!!! She is MUCH better off at home where at least she will get the help when needed as well as encouragement( instead of harrassment) to do her exercises. I think those nasty nurses didn't realize just how incapitated mom was before surgery!! Shirl is on vacation for the rest of this week so Mom has two kids available IF needed and we plan to be around for her next week plus the grandkids are close by too....I'm sure mom will do just fine and recover nicely. She is already looking forward to being able to get back to her Y pool programs although that will likely be at least 6 weeks if not longer away. I'm sure each bit of independance she gains will be cause for personal celebration on her part.


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