Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: NO WORD YET

Sunday, June 03, 2007


We are anxiously awaiting word about Chris' status for camp Borden this summer. I can't imagine having him stay home for the entire summer that would just be too hard for all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually I have informed Chris that if he does not get chosen for his six week training then he MUST get a local job. My reasons are multiple...first, he needs to earn some cash so he can have spending money and further his education in the value of a dollar....second, I refuse to fight with him all summer over his constant desire to do nothing but watch tv or lay down and look at magazine pictures.....and third, I deserve some peace and quiet while I continue my therapy. In past I have taken Chris with me to the Y and sometimes he swims and other time he "hangs out" while I do therapy but almost every time he has stress caused by his anxieties over other teenagers being around which cuts short my therapy time and I can not have that happen for the entire summer!! Last week while I was in pool, he wandered into the therapy office and was sticking his head into a treatment room chatting with another patient when I arrived back upstairs. I don't care if he has to go picking blueberries again ...HE WILL work somewhere! In anticipation of this we took his bike in to be repaired last week. Estimate for that was $100. Chris had trashed it a few times when he was angry that I was forcing him to be outside and get a bit of exercise. Some lessons are more expensive than others but since he has almost that much left from his birthday money, I'm sure this will be a lesson not soon forgotten. Of course he could still be accepted into Borden. We were told last year that often cadets are not informed until the day before they ship out...sorta like the regular army...all part of the training I guess.


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