Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: LAUGHING GAS

Friday, June 01, 2007


Well we made it through yesterday with dental surgery for Chris!!! He now has a "hole in his head". When we arrived at hospital in morning the nurse helped us decide on laughing gas as opposed to actual sedation for his tooth extraction. The office uses a tv and vcr which is embedded into the ceiling to distract the patient as well. Chris chose his video and asked me to wait in other room as he says I make him nervous. What's with that????? Anyway no problem, I left him with doctor and nurse. About 45 mintues later the nurse asked me to rejoin them. They claimed Chris co operated very well. They had to use maximum dosage of laughing gas....maybe that is because of so many years of his ADHD medications giving him higher than normal drug tolerance???? Of course that made him feel very unstable and unwell afterward. When we finally made it to the car I drove slowly over to Linda's house(5 minutes from hospital) where Chris slept on her rec room couch for a few hours. He awoke refreshed and starving! After a quick soup stop at Tim's we made our way home and Chris decided he wanted to go to school. WOW! He also attended cadets last night and came home claiming to feel "better than ever". Of course the soft diet will have to continue for a few days until the hole starts to heal. He's not too happy about that but as consolation I will try to make favorites for him. So far just Mr. noodles and oatmeal but we will advance today to Kraft dinner!!


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