Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Sask. then on to Alberta

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Sask. then on to Alberta

Saskatchewan presented us with MORE flooded fields. Lots of opportunity for birdwatching, especially ducks. We loved the coloring on the duck shown here but I don't think we ever did identify him. At Moosejaw, we stopped to see Mac the moose and pose for pictures seen here. We also enjoyed an outdoor lunch while watching the Snowbirds fly overhead there. The top picture showing a pair of Elk was taken a bit north of CFB Suffield. This was Deb's first glimpse of Elk and we turned around in the middle of the road to go back to get this picture. Not long afterward we observed another with a baby not far from the road but we didn't manage to get any pictures of that pair.


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