Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: still in Minnesota

Thursday, July 08, 2010

still in Minnesota

Still driving through Minnesota we discovered a farm which advertised that they sold "exotic meat" products. In their fields we observed these bison, who didn't seem to appreciate being watched. We also saw fields containing goats, deer, emu and maybe even impala. Lots of different animals for sure.
Not far from there we noticed these odd looking birds in flooded fields. We stopped for a better look and were quite surprised to discover that we were looking at Pelican. We got these pics of the bird and a few miles further we saw flocks further back in another flooded field...lots of Pelicans. We didn't know they came inland, always thought of Pelican as sea birds. Proof that we keep on learning new things, this is now an educational road trip!


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