Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: June 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

CPAP update

Picture taken from web link of manufacturer. Mine is very similar but a new model.
I switched my mask last week, for a newer type CPAP mask called nasal pillows. Click that link to check it out. Deb calls this my scuba gear. Basically the other mask was just too hot. This one touches my face much less and I have also been able to lower the humidity level as well. The technician told me that this type of mask should make the pressure feel like more because it is direct into nostril rather than diffused over face first through mask. Deb says my occasional light snoring has stopped so the greater pressure of air must be just enough to correct that minor problem. I feel better using this mask although I do still wake up in the night from being too hot or knees hurt or whatever, but not as much as before. No weight loss yet but my legs have been very swollen with water retention/edema so that could be why I have gain rather than anticipated loss. Deb is getting used to more veggies and no bread in the house.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Now Yellow

The living room has been transformed from the green seen here in old shot of Chris to the much softer yellow which can be seen with Deb. It certainly brightens up our lives!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Deb and I went to pick up my new CPAP machine. I am using the Zest mask you can see at this hyperlink. Tonight will be the first night for me to really see what sleep is supposed to feel like. Hopefully everything will be great and won't need any major adjustments but even if I do need minor adjustments the computer is apparently easy enough to program that I can be guided over the phone to change the set up.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

2884 Army Cadet Corp Annual Review

Chris has white flag at the right side of this group photo
Part of the colour party

Fooling around..or maybe she really wishes she could shoot him?

Annual review ceremony 2009. Chris is in colour party in center of the picture. He has the white background flag and is standing at the right end of the colour party.
His award this year was a pair of binoculars awarded for "bringing in the most new recruits". We think this was because he decided not to go for his next rank NSCE which would have entailed actual pen and paper testing and reading or studying of a large manual....too much like work for him.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Spring/Summer semester

I am four weeks into my semester and so far things are going not too bad. My Quickbooks course is one of the online ones. That course consists of weekly lessons with two online exams and a major end of semester assignment. All of those I have now completed and submitted. Exam grades were 17/20 and 19/20. Of course the final grade won't be posted until sometime in August but at least the workload is done.
That leaves me with 2 in class and two online courses yet to complete this term. The in class ones appear easy so far. One is Business Communication, basically an English class and the other is called Systems, a class showing how technology relates to today's business society. Online I have the tougher ones, Statistics and Cost Accounting. I wrote my first Stats exam the other day and was pleased to get 72%. It is a very tough math class for me to attempt to be teaching myself but if I can keep up that level I will be content with it. (Today's calculators have come a long way since I took Psychological Statistics in university and I won't even mention the pencil and paper methods I used back when I failed and dropped out of grade 13 Calculus.) The first Cost Accounting exam is in a couple of weeks, the same time Chris finishes school for the year.
We have to take him to Camp Borden on June 28th. No free transportation for staff cadets! Oh well, he will be earning ALOT more this summer so I guess it is only fair that parents should pay for something. Meanwhile it is a daily struggle to keep Chris on task so that he manages to complete and hand in all the assignments he has "forgotten" to hand in this semester. I am determined that he will continue to pass his classes and finish his high school diploma next year as scheduled, even if it kills me! That would be because he doesn't care enough to see the big deal in any of this effort.
Deb has put an application in at the local Beer store. They hire only part time staff and she thinks it would be an ideal job for her. When she was in the other day speaking to someone there, they indicated that the store is hiring soon. Once again it seems that we are simply lucky people, in the right place at the right time in order to get what we want or need. She is hoping to hear from them soon. Of course if they want to wait until AFTER we take Chris to camp, that would be fine with me. I was hoping to make time for a mini holiday after we drop him off since Fanshawe is down the first week of July. :-)
