May 24 weekend
Mom wanted her flowerbeds prettied up and improved from the clay mess which has been left for flowers to try to grow in at her apartment. We told her we would do that as her Mother's day gift this year. We decided May long weekend would be best time to make the attempt so Deb and I rented a small cabin in the woods near Ray's house to spend the weekend and sent Chris off to stay with the Mason's. They happily put him to work on helping to improve their landscaping at their new home. Over the course of the weekend Deb and I managed to install a small border and spread many bags of topsoil before putting in an assortment of perennials, annuals and bi-annuals, topping it all off with mulch to help cut down on required weeding. We were supposed to top it all off with solar lights provided by mom's neighbour(the garden fronts both apartments) but we forgot about the lights. Not to worry because Maggie managed to put those in herself after we left. We also forgot to take any pictures of the garden so those will have to wait until we go down again. It will likely look better then anyway since the annuals will have had time to grow a bit by then.
Meanwhile, back at the cabin, we did remember to take a few pics. We missed getting the raccoon who was eating the bird feed we placed just a few feet off our deck. We also missed the deer just outside the bedroom window and the pet bunny who wandered the yard all afternoon before being put in his cage for the night. We DID get pictures of the outside of the cabin and a wild bunny beside the driveway.
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