Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: April 2009

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Spring in Ontario

These are some pictures we took this week. A rather small turkey vulture having breakfast in a farmer's field, a nice white trillium and a lot of red trillium we saw in the woods at Pearce Park. It is for sure that spring has arrived in Ontario!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Deb's grandkids

These are the newest pics which I stole from Ron and Natalie's blog.
It looks like both kids enjoy the public playground which is very close to home. Zoe has learned to climb(even though it is scary up there) and Sam tries hard to follow his sister upward.

Winter term EXAMS

Two down and one to go. In my psychology course, it appears I will have 80% final grade. It would have been better if only my memory for names was also better. Too much of the exam work was regarding whos theory said this or that and my brain gets the theory correct but the psychologists confused.
My tax exam was today. Scheduled for 3 hours but only took me about 1 1/2 to complete. I would expect about 80% grade there too give or take a bit. The exam felt pretty good although I am far from perfect.
Tomorrow's exam could prove to be much more of a challenge. It is fourth level accounting and considering that my 3rd level final grade was only "C" it is hard to say where this one will end up. Much of the work I am very comfortable with but then there is going to be a large theory question on exam based on a chapter which was barely covered in class along with vaguely familiar formulas and dealing with analysis of financial statements. YUCK!! Oh well, i will do my best and deal with the results.

Chris brought home report card last week. One course has 47% grade and the three remaining classes are all in 50s. Needless to say he has lost TV privilege until his grades improve AND we still insist he bring home and look over notes of some sort daily. Deb has been trying to help him with History. She quizzes him and tries to teach him easier ways to recall information. I'm glad she has made the time and effort to try to engage him in his studies and his future. At this point that is something we care far more about then he does!

Monday, April 13, 2009

STILL waiting

No decision yet on my future education plans. I did discover that the third year program now only has a September start date(that is new as of 2009/10 calender year). I wasn't notified of that change because I was still continuing education student when the change was announced in fall 2008. I will not be eligible yet in Sept 2009 since my plan was to enter that program in January 2010. That leaves my options as downgrading, like I mentioned before, or lengthening the plan to at least summer 2011. Supposedly we will have a decision before my next meeting with my plan overseer at the beginning of next month. For now I have less than 2 weeks until final exams. So far, I am feeling good about material which should be included on those exams and hope to do well.
