Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Front flowerbed

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Front flowerbed

Some new picture of the front flowerbed(a little dull due to lack of sunshine). The roses have recovered quite well from the early season attack of little green caterpillars which ate most of their leaves....nasty little critters. The Spoon Daisies we drove everywhere to find are not currently in bloom although it seems they will likely have lots more blooms to come and I will try to remember to take some picture then.

Out back things are doing very well too. We have been eating zucchini almost daily and our four tomato plants are loaded with growing green tomatoes so when they ripen I'm sure I will eating tons of them too. Lately I have been gorging on fresh u-pick blueberries from local farms and baby cucumbers which we stop at a local farm market to buy.


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