Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Visit with Grandbabies

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Visit with Grandbabies

This past week Deb and I headed out to Kanata to visit with her Grand babies, Zoe and little brother Sam. It is amazing just how quickly kids grow! Zoe is speaking very well, clearly pronouncing every word, although her language is a combination of French and English. What a lucky girl to have command of both at such a young age. Sammy is quiet, with very soft spoken babbling but also appears quite intelligent. He is able to crawl around quickly when he wants to and is quite good at climbing as well. Zoe enjoyed playing with Nana on the floor and also entertained Nana by reading books, complete with special effects which you can see in the third picture posted here. Click on any picture to enlarge for a better look.

While we were travelling, Chris(who is finished school for this year) also had a special treat. He got to stay with his church youth leaders, Linda and Cory, along with their family of four daughters at a farm just outside of town. Many thanks to them and to Pastor Rick who also helped keep Chris busy at the pond when Linda and Cory had prior commitments.


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