Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Lagoon Stroll

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Lagoon Stroll

This morning we decided to try a different route for our walk. We headed out at the West Elgin Sewage Lagoon. It is not as nasty as that sounds.. just a couple of ponds near the sewage treatment plant. The nature club has placed various nesting boxes in the area so there are lots of birds to be found there. In the pictures you can see pretty Bluebirds protecting their nesting boxes. I also got some nice shots of Purple Martins and Swallows who didn't appreciate having us wandering near their nests. In the pond you can see the back and tail of a large turtle who only showed his head when we were very far away from him. While we were standing on a causway between two ponds, watching him apparently bottom feed ...a coyote tried sneaking up on us(maybe after Dusty?). I turned and saw it and pointed while telling Deb and he jumped and turned midair and took off to a nearby bush area. We decided it was time to move to the opposite shore and head back rather than tempt him by continuing to wander in his hunting grounds.


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