Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Winter semester is finished!

Friday, May 02, 2008

Winter semester is finished!

My exams have all been graded and the marks tallied. Final results are not nearly as good as first term but still good enough to keep me going with accounting as my major within business studies. Final grades are:

Business Law...............................................................................85%

Contemporary Principals of communication...........................85.3%

Economics 1 (Microeconomics).................................................80%


When considered with course weighting gives me grade point average for the term of 3.643

Not bad for an "old dog" learning new tricks! Now that I have taken a business law course I can understand why Rosilee was torn between studying Law? or Accounting? I very much enjoyed this basic law course despite the teacher's early warnings that it was a "tough course" to pass. LOL.
For the Spring/Summer session of college I have chosen to scale back a bit and leave time for relaxing. I am registered for 2 classes: Economics 2(Macroeconomics) and Business Math. They are both math type courses and also both required so I thought I'd get them out of the way at once and hopefully be finished with the high school type math stuff. I didn't like it much way back then and haven't grown more fond of it over the years. Classes begin next week and finish mid August.
We celebrated Chris' 16th birthday yesterday. He wanted Chinese food for dinner but had cadet meeting which meant we had no time to travel to a Chinese restaurant. I improvised by heating some frozen Chinese food and creating a few dishes of my own to come up with a surprise Chinese dinner that we all enjoyed. Chris loved it so much that he took the leftovers for his lunch today. I had to buy him a birthday cake because I had meetings in London and ran out of time to bake. The cake was pretty, but a huge disappointment to us all. Way too sweet with tons of icing on it...looks pretty but nasty to eat AND expensive too. At least we all got a reminder of how much better homemade is in more ways than one! At this point Chris is thinking that getting driver's licence can wait awhile because cost of driving is so high(this revelation came after discussing facts of prices with Dustin and Seldon,Miranda's boyfriend, last week). It makes us happy because we are well aware that Chris is not yet ready for the responsibility of driving yet.


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