Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Cadet Annual Review Ceremony

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Cadet Annual Review Ceremony

Today was a very hot and humid day AND of course it was also the day for the scheduled annual review for Chris' cadet corp. Also it is the weekend of Rosy Rhubarb Days in Shedden (which also means town wide yard sales) so since Chris didn't have to be at the arena to prepare for ceremony until 9:15 and we wanted to be in Shedden early enough to catch bargains, we came up with great idea on how to accomplish both. We gave Chris money to take himself out for breakfast at his choice of downtown restaurant or the nearby donut shop(both on the way to the arena) and planned to kick him out of the house so that we could leave around 8:15. He surprised us by being ready and out the door at 8am. I guess he was excited to get his day started! That worked fine for us as we headed out within 5 minutes of him although we didn't find any major bargains and Deb didn't find ANY books. At the review this afternoon I took one picture(we had very poor view) but for some reason I messed up and it isn't on my memory card. Ooops..guess it wasn't meant to be. He really wasn't looking very happy anyway. Chris' appearance was as though he was bored but in fact he was likely anxious to be finished and on to the rest of his day.

Following the ceremony, Chris did a very quick clothing change and we were off to Rodney to attempt to catch the end of the Fire Muster games. Chris has been selected to participate in West Lorne Junior Firefighters program. Yeah Chris!!! Despite having just been chosen this week and thus having no training with them yet, he was told to come out to the games and join in after his ceremony. Thankfully they recognize that his commitment to cadets takes precedence over volunteer firefighter training. We did drop him off as requested(he didn't want us to hang around to watch) although there didn't appear to be alot of people around the fairgrounds. We assume they were basically finished the games and were cooling off in the building enjoying refreshments. He must have found some friendly faces because we have not yet heard from him. Original plan was for him to come home on firetruck with the guys at some time 4-6pm. That plan could be another reason that he didn't want us hanging around.


At 9:37 AM, Blogger ZONE F DG TEAM said...

My daughter is interested in cadets (as she turns 12 in October). Any suggestions or words of advice. I'm aware there are two squadrons in St. Thomas... air and army. Any criticisms, dictating one over the other?



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