Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: White-winged backyard visitor

Friday, April 25, 2008

White-winged backyard visitor

I probably mentioned our little white-winged sparrow before, but today I finally got some good pictures of him. I sent one via email to the Tom Hayman, writer of a birding column for the London Free Press. His initial response is that this is some sort of part albino and from my description it is likely a type of sparrow although he thought the eye band was more like a finch. I have sent more pictures for better identification of this little guy, whom we first noticed last summer. He spent the winter feeding here too, but has been missing for a few weeks since the day I saw a number of other sparrows chasing him which made me wonder if he is a she? or if the others were trying to get rid of this oddity in their midst? We were happy to see him back at the feeder today looking no worse for wear except the white doesn't seem as startlingly white as it used to...maybe too many dirt baths? Hopefully the bird column guy will be able to give us more info on our backyard regular visitor.


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