Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Spring birds

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Spring birds

This is a picture I found of a "Common Flicker" . We have been seeing LOTS of these pretty birds while out on our road tours lately, especially on roads near the lake. We have also seen our local bald Eagles a number of times perched near the nest on Fingal line. We found another bald Eagle while coming home from St. Thomas along John Wise line too. Obviously the population in Elgin county is increasing. Of course the birds know when we do and don't have our camera with us because we only spot them when there is no camera available. Even our beautiful little backyard sparrow with the very special white wingtips is extremly camera shy. Although he has been with us feeding for over a year now we have no good pictures of him. Every one is blurry or so distant that his features are not identifiable. We will keep trying because we want some good ones to be able to show the real birding people our special little guy.


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