Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: December 2007

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy 50th

These are the pictures from the surprise 50th birthday party thrown by Mom and organized by Shirley. I had been told we were having a family Christmas party and was very surprised. It was GREAT to see all our relatives and thank you all for the gifts but a gathering for me wasn't necessary. I would love to see us have this type of gathering annually during the Christmas season simply to enjoy one another's company. It was nice to have the use of the church hall and facilities. It is so much bigger and better layout than trying to all gather at anyone's house. Thanks again and I hope everyone else enjoyed the party as much as I did. If you have pictures please send them to my email. Thanks.

Chris visits Burn's kids

These are pictures of Chris and Dylan in the pool and then the three siblings standing together after their swim. We were very surprised at how big the kids have gotten. Grandma and Aunt Valerie did a great job of estimating Chris' size when they bought him a couple of shirts(army type and he loves them) for Christmas gift. After gift exchange we took the kids to play at the Fort Erie Y...much better than sitting around although the boys did seem to be hanging out at the wall of the pool chatting while Trisha got some exercise. All seemed to enjoy their short visit and they get along great even though they seldom see each other.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Morning at home

This seems to be the favourite gift his got from Santa this year. Even better he received it with "Brain Age 1" and "Brain Age 2". I told him as long as these are his only games for the system he is allowed to keep it in his bedroom and play as much as he wishes. I'm hoping the game will work as advertised and help him improve his thinking powers!! Actually there are a few other Nintendo DS games which are also to enhance your powers of logic and reasoning so he may get those later.

Merry Christmas at Barbie's house

Celebrating Christmas at Barb's house . Above pictures are on RJ's Chase and Ally. Chase was content to be passed around without making a fuss once he had been fed. Ally was so excited because we got her a digital camera. Chris got videos he wanted along with gift card. Deb and I got beautiful windmill to decorate our yard along with some garden decorations. This early celebration was to accomodate our travel plans and Ally's visitation schedule.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Bald Eagles

If you click on the picture to make it full screen and then you zoom will see the awesome pair of Bald Eagles we came across while on our daily stroll by the lake. We were at Pearce Park and went to the edge of the cliff overlooking the lake. When we looked down there they were just flying into view. One landed behind an outcropping so we moved along the trail to try to get a better look. The other came by and alerted the perched bird so they flew off together along the beach below us.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Christmas get-together

I got a message from my Mom today. She says that arrangments have been made to use her church on December 30th. I hope to see everyone there!

Contact Shirl for more details.
