Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Bald Eagles

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Bald Eagles

Yesterday while driving home from physio I spotted what appeared to be some sort of eagle sitting in a roadside tree along hwy 3. I continued on and soon came across a bald eagle sitting on the top of a small roadside tree. AWESOME! He just sat there looking around. They normally sit much higher but there was no tall trees nearby. Of course I didn't have my camera and haven't yet learned how to use the camera on my cell phone. LOL. I found some pics that look sort of like the two birds I saw and have posted them here. I now believe the first eagle I saw was an immature bald eagle and the second was definatly a full grown relative, maybe a parent of the first.
I will have to put the camera in the car and keep my eyes open in that area from now on.


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