Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: February 2007

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Bald Eagles

Yesterday while driving home from physio I spotted what appeared to be some sort of eagle sitting in a roadside tree along hwy 3. I continued on and soon came across a bald eagle sitting on the top of a small roadside tree. AWESOME! He just sat there looking around. They normally sit much higher but there was no tall trees nearby. Of course I didn't have my camera and haven't yet learned how to use the camera on my cell phone. LOL. I found some pics that look sort of like the two birds I saw and have posted them here. I now believe the first eagle I saw was an immature bald eagle and the second was definatly a full grown relative, maybe a parent of the first.
I will have to put the camera in the car and keep my eyes open in that area from now on.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Nana Deb's Grandbabies

Here is our first picture of what is believed to be the Grandson due to arrive this summer.
This other picture is beautiful little Zoe(soon to be BIG sister) making "dodo" with her bears. Zoe will be 2 on Thursday. Happy Birthday little princess!!!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Hockey at the church pond

These pics are Chris having fun on a cold afternoon out at the property owned by his church. He spent 3 hours out playing and came in complaining that he was "too sweaty". This was after his 10 minute walk, home from church, and his major complaints of "not being able to see because the blowing snow froze his eyes". Click on a pic for close up of any shot.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


This little guy was sleeping so soundly that Deb and I both managed to softly pet him before he awoke and flew away.Gee...I wonder how the hawk catches his lunch???

Sunday, February 11, 2007


Here are pictures of the hawk I discovered in the backyard having lunch beside our feeder. It might be a Coopers Hawk or a Sharp-Shinned Hawk. Whichever it was it only took about 10 minutes to finish off his meal and take off again in search of more.


This is our baby, Dusty. She often stands over the heat vents thinking she is cold. She is a six year old Yorkie and loves to have her hair blowing in that warm breeze.
