Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: August 2013

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Manitloulin Vacation

Mississagi  Lighthouse & Museum

Mississagi  Lighthouse

Mississagi  Lighthouse Rocks

Meldrum Bay

migrating Sandhill Cranes

migrating Sandhill Cranes

migrating Sandhill Cranes

migrating Sandhill Cranes

migrating Sandhill Cranes

migrating Sandhill Cranes coming in for landing
Well we are on the road again and enjoying our travels.  This week we have rented a place on Lake Mindemoya (Manitoulin Island) at one of the cottage/campgrounds.  The first night it was very hot and humid so we were thankful to have air conditioning.  Today however is cool enough that we wore jeans and long sleeves this morning when we headed out.  There is a chipmunk living in our driveway/patio and she is enjoying being feed pieces of bread and muffins.  Today on the way to Meldum Bay we saw a deer beside the road and on the way back we came across a large field of migrating Sandhill Cranes.  The overcast combined with distance make the pictures far from great but it was an awesome sight through our binoculars.  We are such lucky people to have been able to experience that.  The peak migration isn't until October so we were quite surprised to see them.  Prior to this we have only ever seen a family of 5 Sandhill Cranes once and that was during our travels through Manitoba.  They are such large pretty birds with an awesome flash of red on the head.

Our home for this week

Lake Minemoya

boat dock and roped off swimming hole @ cottage

View from our patio
Providence Bay boardwalk

Providence Bay River flowing into lake

Providence Bay Beach

Providence Bay

Chipmunk enjoying crumbs on muffin liner

Thirsty after all that sugar

Northern least we think it might be
Short video of our chipmunk friend
Notice the tongue licking muffin crumbs from the liner.

Thursday, August 15, 2013


As promised,  here is the video showing the spinner that Linda brought us back from her most recent shopping trip.

In the second video you can see the hummingbird flying.
