Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: February 2012

Monday, February 06, 2012

Snowy Owl day 2

Deb got some much better pictures of the owl today. Her lighting was better even if he was very sleepy. She walked around him at a distance of about 10 feet and his head turned to watch her as she walked. If you click in for close up you can see his ear tufts and his beak.

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Snowy Owl

Peeking at me

Trying to sleep

Feb. 4, 2012

Today we were headed to the U.S.A. Someone told Deb about the ferry from Sombra to Marine City, Michigan. Since this is a much shorter trip than our normal trips to Port Huron, we decided to give the ferry a try. Along the way, we were enjoying the drive along Bentpath Line checking out the many birds and hawks along the route. I noticed a large white bird fly across in front of the car and land in a field. I mentioned it to Deb who said she thought it was an owl. Of course, that made me turn around o check it out. We were looking at the Snowy Owl with our binoculars when a truck pulled up behind me and an older guy got out and approached our car. he told us the Snowy Owl had been hanging out in that field for a few weeks now but the field owner thought it was gone a few days prior so this man was happy to see the bird back. We soon continued on our way to shop and on our return trip noticed a photographer out in the field very close to the bird. Since we made it home fairly early we decided to head back out with our camera after a quick dinner. The pictures here are thanks to that Snowy owl having moved much closer to the road. When we returned to find him he was sitting just beyond the roadside ditch. I parked about 30 feet away and we walked up to about 10 feet from him without disturbing him at all. AWESOME!
