Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Parc de la Chute-Montmorency

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Parc de la Chute-Montmorency

Near the edge of Quebec City, right alongside the highway is the giant waterfall, Montmorency. The falls are higher than Niagara and very impressively you can wander through the park surrounding the bottom of the falls, take an Ariel car to a restaurant near the top, then walk the trail and cross the walkway bridge across the top and the brave can also make their way down the stairway shown in our pictures. Very scarey thought if you could have seen the crumbly material that highside is made of. It was a hot afternoon so we stuck to the lower portion of the park and enjoyed the mist from below the falls.


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