Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Visitors from Tucson

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Visitors from Tucson

April & Jack



April and Zane eating Canada day cake

Keith helping Jack get his cake into his mouth

Keith and April brought their little guys, Zane and Jack to meet and entertain us for a few days. They arrived on July 1st, just in time to take part in some of our town's Canada Day activities. Linda brought her little dog and had a BBQ visit with us all. Both boys had fun playing later at the park and petting snakes, lizards, turtles, etc. brought by the "snake lady". That day was topped off with Canada day cake. Next day after a walk in the woods, we headed for the beach where they were afraid of the big waves but had fun playing in the sand and throwing rocks into the lake. In the afternoon we walked to the splash pad for more water fun. Big storm that evening allowed them to check out rain. Seems strange to us but it was a novelty to these guys who live in the desert. Water from the sky??? Maybe they think Canada is just one big splashpad?


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