Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: today's surprise

Thursday, April 15, 2010

today's surprise

This morning we headed out to Pearce park for a stroll and just as we entered the park we heard a small thump on the ground nearby. This was quickly followed by another thump and then baby cries. A closer look at the base of a tree closeby showed this pair of racoon kits squawking for their mom. The last pic shows mom and another kit starting to stir in the nest hole above the babies. When we returned to the area at the end of our stroll there was no sign of babies or mom. We assume they are all safely back inside the tree sleeping once again.
In regards to the ugly bird in my prior post. The neighbours all agree that it is a very small vulture however, one friend thinks it is a rather large pigeon. That is possible since they also have red feet. Guess we will never be quite sure now.
click on any picture for a better look


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