Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Turkey Vulture baby???

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Turkey Vulture baby???

As we were getting into the car this morning we noticed this very odd looking bird perched in Ruth's tree. The bird was fluffing it's very wet wings(we had some earlier rain) and the size was just a bit larger than a pigeon. The bird sat calmly while we got the camera and walked closer to the tree. Deb managed to get these pics but when I went closer to the tree he decided that two people were just too much and he flew off to one of the very tall trees at Ed's house.
Despite the small size, we are pretty sure this is a Turkey Vulture...maybe a baby? The red feet are the give away. We can't find any other bird in our books, with red feet.

click any picture for a closer view


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