Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: February 2010

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Feb 8th an Eagle day!

While we were out enjoying the cold but sunny day, we came across the Bald Eagle seen in bottom photo in a tree along the north shore of Lake Erie. After watching him awhile we drove toward home and on a back road we saw a large thing ahead in a tree. I stopped to car a short distance away when we realized it was indeed an Eagle too. Scared by the car it flew off over the open field and joined it's mate in the trees. We enjoyed this rare sight of a pair of young Golden Eagles apparently playing with one another. Deb managed to get these top three shots of the pair before they got out of camera range. We see this as another sign that spring is on the way soon, or at least the birds think so.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Photoshop thanks to our friend Barb

This was just too funny so I had to share. Move over Ellen, we got our own Cover Girl!
