Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: December 2009

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

Merry Christmas 2009. This picture was taken Christmas eve, after Santa had made his way through our house. For those who notice the fly strip over the is there because of the gnats that came home with the Poinsettia, they are almost as annoying as fruit flies! This morning Chris was shocked to discover a set of dishes as one of his many gifts. It is the first of the many things he will be needing for that BIG move of being on his own someday. Of course, he was most impressed with his giftcards and has begun planning on how to spend that money, even though I am making him wait until he has received all his Christmas gifts BEFORE he goes buying anything he thinks he might want. :-)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Torch in Rodney

We made it to Rodney yesterday to see the Olympic torch run down the main street. It was very cold and of course our camera died. This is the only shot we managed to get. Chris took his video camera and got it on tape.

Monday, December 21, 2009

old photo

While searching online today I came across an old article in the Chronicle. Click the link to check out this photo and story from August 2004. That is Chris on the top left side in the orange and black shirt and green bathing suit.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

December 20th

We are such lucky people!!! Still no snow to speak of here in our southern end of Ontario. Today when we drove out to stroll along the Lake Erie cliffs, we came across these chickens scratching in a roadside ditch. They and a few squirrels eating at the bird feeder, were the only wildlife we saw today. It was cold, but nice to get out and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air.
Yesterday, we drove to Simcoe to see the Christmas light displays. Very cold there!!! We first went out to Port Dover and checked out the beach there. Some ice along the shore already despite our mild, so far, winter. Back in Simcoe we enjoyed fish and chips for dinner at Kelsey's before driving around to see the lights.
