Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Deb's grandkids

Monday, August 03, 2009

Deb's grandkids

Some pictures of Deb, Natalie, Ron and their kids; Zoe and Sammy taken during our trip to Ottawa August 1, 2009. Zoe was thrilled to see us and sad to see us leave. Sammy was shy at first but quickly decided we must be friends since we threw Nerf balls and made him laugh. Both kids love to play at their neighbourhood park. Zoe showed us that she can easily write her own name. Back at the house Zoe also showed us how well she can count and do puzzles. She also loves to draw and colour. Sammy loved the over sized ball we brought for him. He enjoys climbing and throwing things...even if the ball lands behind him. Nat and Ron are both showing the great effects of having daily workouts at their gym as well as their healthier eating lifestyle change. Ron is in training for another half marathon. It is great to see them all working at staying healthy. We left after a great dinner. The kids were showing signs of getting tired and cranky and Nana was in need of her bed too.


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