Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Staff Cadet Sergent Beroud

Monday, August 03, 2009

Staff Cadet Sergent Beroud

We visited with Chris at Blackdown over the weekend and took these shots of him sporting his orange T-shirt with his combats(a sign that he is staff). This year he is working a staff cadet Sergent. Unfortunately, he was not allowed to leave base when we were there on Friday evening. We did make arrangements to meet him again on Sunday afternoon. He said he was working until around 3:30 so we asked him to stay in the area near the gates where he was working doing intake of new cadets. I did tell him that if we ran into road problems and weren't there by 5pm he should go ahead and leave to get his dinner since it could mean we were not going to make it there for visit. When we did arrive on Sunday close to 4pm, Chris was nowhere to be found. He must have gotten a better offer for his free time because he was definitely not on duty. We were told that when support staff is working anywhere on base, the support staff headquarters is manned. We went there only to find locked doors. After another check of the area where we were supposed to met Chris, we gave up and went for Chinese food without him.


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