Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Canada Day 2009

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Canada Day 2009

Just a few shots of our neighbour's wonderful pond at night. Following our local fireworks, Bill & Diane invited me to check out their newly lights surrounding the expanded pond. The hedge and gate seen in picture are our backyard. Bill added the blue lighted trees recently. He had originally purchased them to install in their front border garden around Christmas but the ground was too frozen so he saved them for this pond garden. It seems like a better choice to me as they will get to enjoy the lights more here. Diane has been trying to give away pond plants as the greenery hides the fish too much. She sent a load home with her brother to put into his farm pond yesterday. Their next project is to expand the sitting area beside the pond because Ruth wants her nice stone table and chairs brought over to Diane's yard. Also there is still a plan in mind to build a bridge along the edge of the gardens and pond as well as a pathway all the way back to Bill's shed...someday. Check out my blog archives for September 2008 for a comparison shot of this beautiful, ever expanding pond/garden.


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