Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: March 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Proof positive that I am getting old!!! I am having much more trouble with my classes this semester. I am still passing without problem but my "D" is not quite the required "B" grade, to continue on to 3rd seems that accounting gets exponentially harder with each semester and at this rate I would never make it through that 3rd year even if they let me try. I have tried to have my education plan downgraded to simply completing the 2 year accounting diploma, which I could easily finish by December of this year, but was told that WSIB is not likely to go for that sort of change in plan because it would reduce my expected income at the end of education plan. This week I met with the School of Business Accounting Department Head and she recommends that my education plan be downgraded to my original 2 year suggestion. Now she will be submitting that plan to my caseworker to be put forth to WSIB. Actually I would need her approval to get into the 3rd year of the program and obviously she isn't about to give me that so I asked her to get in touch with my worker with her recommendation. Now it will be a simple matter of waiting for decision of WSIB. Meanwhile I registered today for summer session classes. I will be able to take 3 classes online and a fourth class is offered daytime only so I plan to be at the proper office on first day possible to sign up for that course. The date for that is May 8th so it will be awhile before I know if I get to be part of that class but I'm confident that by being in office at 8:30am I will be accepted.
