Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: November 2008

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Is this his future?????

Chris started his new job today. Yep guessed it...he is working at a farrowing operation. We are somewhat concerned over long term health risks involved in such work, but it seems we are always trying to stop him from doing something AND since we have been trying to encourage him to find a job for quite some time now AND he applied and got this one on his own...we just couldn't say no again. He managed to complete his first shift today and claims that he loves it! He spent most of his time cleaning with high pressurized power washer but also saw a litter born and observed a worker assist in birthing. He claims he also did some injections to some little ones and helped with castration and tail docking....basically sounds like he did it every job in the place, all in his first day!! Sometimes his stories are just amazing (although we had hoped he would have outgrown that by now). We are happy that he has found a job and seems to enjoy it. He is earning $10/hr starting wage WOW!! and was told he can work up from there and that work is available summers and full time when he finishes high school should he choose to stay on with them. Again...we would still prefer he keep on the path to military life even though that may not be any better for his long term health with experimentation done by government on our troops. Basically I am trying to have him maintain an open mind as he completes his education and meanwhile celebrate that he will finally have disposable income like so many other high school students.The above pictures are NOT the farm where Chris is working. Due to biosafety, Chris is not allowed to bring anything in or out of the barns.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ruby and Sam are grandparents!!!

Looks like I'm a great-aunt again, although I always knew I was pretty good!

Congratulations to Tara and Shawn Smith on the birth of their son, Brandon, 7 pounds 6 ounces, born November 9th, at 5:05 pm. This is their first child and the first grandchild for Ruby and Sam. That is the anniversary, both date and time, of Opal's passing. Ruby sees this as Opal's sign for the family to move on and celebrate the date, rather than continuing mourn her absence. I think Ruby is very right about that because you just gotta know that Opal would be there guiding the way for the new baby in the family!!!
