Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: Garden growing

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Garden growing

Just a few pictures of a few of our gardens. First is the garden beside the backyard shed. The Portulaca seen here came up from last year's seed. Behind the pink one centered in the shot is a yellow mini rose...that came from Ruby and Sam on my 50th birthday. It looked GREAT a few days ago but those blooms are getting a bit brown and the new ones are just starting to open. Second picture is the Hydrangea Deb planted last year. It's beautiful blue colored blooms are hiding beside her Euanamus which has been infected with some sort of white mold(or something) mostly on underside of it's leaves. Finally is a quick shot of our very large tomato plants. I put these in a flower bed under Chris' bedroom window. Obviously they REALLY like the soil or conditions there. There are lots of little tomatoes already growing on the plants. We have already enjoyed a zucchini from the two little plants which I snuck in under our Wiegelia and I am looking forward to lots of vine ripe fresh tomatoes. Spell check says I have spelling errors on some of these plant names but hopefully you can figure out what I mean.


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