Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: February 2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Yeah Christopher!!!!!

After much proding by us, Chris finally brought home his report card today(three days late) but guess what??? His grade average for the first half of his first term this year was 59%. at that time we cut his TV time down to 1 hour per day from 7-8pm..use it or lose it! He was also told that to get back the coveted 8-9pm time slot he would have to bring his grades up so that at least one class was up to class average. As added incentive I told him that all grades above average would result in ALMOST unlimited TV time. Well he got his 8-9pm time back as of today.
His grade average is currently 73%!!!!
We always knew he had it in him and I'm proud that he is starting to see and believe it too! Maybe his "Brain Age" Christmas gift is helping too??

Monday, February 11, 2008

Spring is in the air!

Ok so it is still extremely cold today but the signs of Spring are here. Yesterday I watched flocks of Starlings flying around in our front yard and our neighbors...actually the birds were trying to keep warm so they kept trying to land on the tiny little roof of our front window under our eaves to get out of that cold wind. We have seen a number of large Canada Geese flocks over the past week. Past two weeks we have seen a few Robins while out on our strolls. Then today we saw three large Turkeys wandering near a small stream near the road while driving home from St. Thomas.
Just some of our observations and the new birds we are seeing is making me think Spring is closeby....then again maybe it is just wishful thinking.....
