Suv Rollover
Suv Rollover Dar & Deb at home......and away: August 2007

Monday, August 06, 2007

Meeting Sam

We had a nice trip to Kanata this weekend to meet Deb's new Grandson, Sam. His big sister, Zoe, entertained us with her constant chatter and activities. She enjoyed lining up the new cars we brought for her. Apparently she enjoys lining up and ordering lots of items. Sounds like she has Nana's anal type behaviours when it comes to certain things being in "proper" order before she can be happy working. Her papa, Ron, claims that Zoe understands perfectly and can follow his instructions in French, although at this point she speaks mostly English. We are very happy she is learning to be naturally bilingual. So far, Sam does little more than eat and sleep. Natalie reported that he gained a pound last week alone. WOW! It sounds like the family have had lots of company coming and going thus far, so we left after Zoe had settled in for nap and Sam nodded off too. Hopefully Nat managed to catch a few Zzzzzs after we left before the children were up and needing her attention again.
